As Dr Blessing Nwagba marks birthday, Foundation celebrates her achievements, virtues

By: Mandy Park

Excited about the birthday celebration of Hon. Dr Blessing Nwagba, their founder, today, Saturday 27 July, The Blessing Nwagba foundation has eulogized the virtues and accomplishment of the celebrant.

While wishing her a warm birthday celebration, and God’s blessings, the Foundation also used the ocassion to celebrate the Amazon who they noted “” Have the heart of gold and always willing and ready to give a helping hand””.

For the Foundation, Dame Nwagba, stands tall on competence, and a politician whose humanity is painted on a global canvass.

“” We rejoice with our Founder, the grassroots politician, Hon. Dr Blessing Nwagba, on this occasion of her birthday.

” We make bold to say that she is a goal getter, courageous, bold, confident, intelligent, and a woman with a heart of gold, an unassuming personality to behold.”” a statement from the Foundation’s office stated.

The statement noted further that “”both in politics, in her religious work and socially- relevant services she has remained outstanding. and accountable.

“”She is one with a vision and mission in politics to serve humanity, and above all, she is humble and God-fearing.”

The Foundation noted that “”Hon Dr Blessing Nwagba was a two-term member of the House of Assembly who represented Aba North State Constituency and left a legacy of great accomplishments.

“”She will always be remembered for her numerous contributions in the House ranging from her Bills, motions and general contribution in the House.

“”Hon Nwagba chaired the following committees in the House :Chairman House committee on commerce and Industry (2011 to 2015)

”Chairman House committee on Health (2016 to 2019)
Chairman House committee on Women Affairs and Social Welfare (2016 to 2019)

“”She sponsored many Bills which included among others : Abia State Identification of Blood group and Genotype Bill (Passed into Law)

“”Abia State Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Installation Bill (Passed into Law). Abia State Institutional Support for Disability Bill ( Passed into Law).

”She was involved in many oversight functions which included “Development of the legislative framework that drove multinational investment promotion into Abia;

“” ensuring that regulation is well defined for their operations..

“”Some of her motions included motion to pressurise EEDC to improve on its services and issue Bills based on the energy consumed as a means of curtailing the exorbitant bills charged by EEDC.

“”She was equally active on raising sensitive matters of urgent public importance.

”On advocacy and representation, Dame Nwagba drew the attention of state and federal government to key Social and Infrastructural challenges facing Aba residents with respect to erosion, road and market dilapidation and overall disruption to the social order.

“”Dr Nwagba, pioneered health programmes.
In collaboration with Rapha Hands Foundation USA, she organized free medical programme comprising of standard check-up and medication for diabetic and hypertensive patients.

“”Also , in conjunction with Ogbuka foundation USA, she coordinated free medical programme which included surgeries. Paid for those who couldn’t get the attention of the USA Doctors to get medical attention/surgeries at FMC Umuahia..

“”Dr Nwagba”s empowerment project has been massive.for she identified Women empowerment as a catalyst for national development and prosperity, hence the need to equip women with the right-skill set to contribute to nation building.

“” Her contribution to the society is immense and we wish her rise and rise in her political endeavors.

“” We recommend her not only to the Presidency but to the international community because she has the capacity, character, and competence to deliver assignments.

“” Once again, we share with her on the Joy of the occasion of her memorable birthday.””

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